
About Us

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A Letter from Our Director

Dear Friends,

Thank you for taking the time to view our website and consider all the wonderful services that Hopeful Beginnings offers women and families. Since its conception, Hopeful Beginning’s vision has been that all children deserve a loving home. Hopeful Beginnings acknowledges that caring for those who care for children is the best way to ensure that little ones have all they need to grow and thrive in the world. In order to achieve this, the agency provides a plethora of services, including adoption services, case management, and access to free baby essentials, as well as free perinatal mental health counseling for birthing persons experiencing postpartum depression/anxiety, grief, and loss of a pregnancy and or difficulty adjusting to parenthood.

Hopeful Beginnings takes its responsibility to the community and to children very seriously and is committed to providing quality services. As a 501c3, Hopeful Beginnings is committed to serving all families without prejudice. This means we are proud of our history of being founded in 1887 by Sisters of the Episcopal Church, and we are still supported in small part by a grant by Episcopal Charities, but as a public agency, we are bound to our duty to serve children and families of all religions, income levels, races, and orientations.

Hopeful Beginnings staff is second to none in their wide range of experience and expertise. I encourage you to please contact us if there is any way we can be of service to you and your family or if there are any questions about our work.

Natalie Rodriguez, Executive Director
Our Vision & Mission.
  • Empowering women and families to build nurturing homes for children.
  • Supporting women and families through adoption, mental health services and parenting resources.
A Brief History
Episcopal Charities
Five Primary Focus Areas
Board of Trustees
Real Stories, Real Feedback

Insights from Birth Moms and
Adoptive Families

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