
To All Birth Mothers

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To All Birth Mothers

There are many voices out there, whether other adoptees, previous birth mothers, adoptive parents, or the general public. They all have their story regarding adoption and its impact on their life. If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy and trying to research more about adoption, you may be feeling confused and frightened by all the differing opinions and wondering how you will ever figure out which opinion is the right one. As an adoptee and an adoption professional, I wish there was some way to reach through these words on the screen and hug you. This decision and research must feel so overwhelming and it is even harder to do on your own. This decision will ultimately be up to you and you alone, but you do not have to be alone while making this decision.

As an adoptee, I cannot tell you that my experience will be your child’s experience, and neither can any adoptee. What I can tell you is that the benefit of receiving counseling during this time is immense. At Hopeful Beginnings, each client is treated with respect, and their right to self-determination (their right to make their own decisions for their own life) is protected. It is important that you know fully what all options could look like for you. You deserve to have all  your questions answered and to feel supported. The counseling at Hopeful Beginnings for women wanting more information about adoption is provided upon your need. This means it could be provided via telehealth or in-person, whether at your home or another meeting place. If you are days from giving birth or  sitting in the hospital now and need immediate counseling, our counselors could come out to you now (as in 24/7). All counseling is free and with truly no obligation. As an adoption professional, I have counseled a birth mother for almost the entirety of her pregnancy on a weekly basis, and when I arrived at the hospital (following her initial plan), the birth mother informed me she had changed her mind and needed a car seat to take her baby home. I gave her mine without hesitation. As a birth mother, it is important to have that kind of support system when making this type of decision. Ultimately, she did end up placing her baby for adoption, as she realized the best decision for herself and her baby was to follow her initial adoption plan. I am glad I was able to give her the space and support to make that decision. It is still an honor to watch her relationship with her son and his adoptive family flourish.

Unless you have someone by your side to show you what adoption could look like for you and your baby, it is difficult to untangle the amount of information in the world about adoption. As an adoptee, I can tell you that it will be important for your child to know the thought and care that went into this decision. It’s also important for them to know that you did not have to walk that road alone. If you have a part of you that is curious about adoption, why not seek a loving and safe place to ask questions and find answers? We’ll be here, ready to talk when you are.

We can be reached 24/7. You don’t need to be alone.

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