
Safe Haven Law for Babies

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Safe Haven Law for Babies

With the recent news of an infant being found in a Chicago alley, we felt it important to continue to spread awareness on the life saving Safe Haven Law. It is clear that the likely terrified and desperate biological parents of that infant had no idea what to do. If only they knew of this law and the blessing they could provide a waiting adoptive family (we’ve witnessed firsthand this joy alongside our adoptive families-it’s amazing !)
Below is basic information on this law. We ask that you PLEASE share this post and visual as you never know who it might reach.

What is the Safe Haven Law?

This is a law that states an unharmed baby that is 30 days old or less, can be brought to a fire station, police station or hospital with absolutely NO questions asked and NO repercussions. Every single state has a law like this though the details may look a bit different.

What are the Safe Haven locations a baby can be brought to in Illinois?

There are only 3 types of locations in Illinois that are Safe Havens- hospitals, fire stations or police stations. The baby must be handed over to staff and NO questions will be asked of that person. They can immediately walk away knowing they will not be in any trouble and that the baby will be well cared for.

What Happens to the Baby Next?

The baby will be examined and cared for in a hospital. The hospital will contact DCFS who will then contact the next licensed Illinois adoption agency on their list. This agency will be granted temporary guardianship of the baby. The adoption agency will then place the baby with one of their approved and waiting adoptive families who will get the chance to adopt the baby should the biological parents not come forward. Foster care is NOT involved when its a Safe Haven case. These babies either find permanency with their forever families or are returned to their biological parents (if they come forward and prove they can provide safety and stability).

For more information, please check out: https://saveabandonedbabies.org/

Save Abandoned Babies – The Save Abandoned Babies Foundation

The Abandoned Newborn Infant Protection Act offers a protected, legal alternative to unsafe infant abandonment. An unharmed newborn, up to 30 days old, may be handed to staff at a hospital, emergency medical care facility, police station, firehouse, college/University police station, or Illinois State Police district headquarters.

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