
Place My Child for Adoption or Have Them Go into “The System”

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Place My Child for Adoption or Have Them Go into “The System”

Choosing adoption is putting your child before yourself and giving them a gift of a healthy family.  In adoption, you are in the driver’s seat.  You choose the parents that will raise your child from a group of potential parents.  You get to see how they live, their families, their faith, and their beliefs.  You will know that these people have had a background check, have a clean record, have been interviewed, have references, and a professional has gone through their home with a fine-toothed comb.  In addition, you have the right to see your child and will always be their birth parent throughout their life.  The agency ensures that meetings go well between you and the family and will do so until everyone is comfortable with one another.  The people who adopt your child will ensure that your child will know your story and how much that you loved them and that is why that they were placed instead of you raising them.  They will not feel like you abandoned them because you didn’t.  They will have the opportunity to have a wonderful life, attend good schools and go to college.  They are able to be parented by people who are ready in their life to do so.  In the “system” which could be Social Services, CPS your parental rights can be taken away and you no longer are able to see them for the rest of their lives.  Someone else decides who raises your child and they usually wind up in a group home situation where people are being paid to care for them.  They do feel abandoned and do not get the opportunity to see you or you see them.  So, you see, it is totally different and NOT THE SAME!  If you have an unplanned pregnancy and are unable to raise your child, please call an agency like Hopeful Beginnings that can be with you on your journey. If you have a small child and cannot continue to parent them, please call us. Our counselors are available 24/7 to talk to you or to just listen. You are not a number but are one special woman who will be nurtured and cared for during you making your decision.

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