
Mother’s – Not Good Enough?

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Mother’s – Not Good Enough?

If you’re like me, you’ve yelled at your kids.

If you’re like me, you’ve felt so overstimulated at times you think you may combust into a million pieces.

If you’re like me, you’ve impatiently and unrealistically hurried your little ones thru the putting-shoes-on-process.

If you’re like me, you’ve begged, “PLEASE. I Just Need A Minute!”.

If you’re like me, you’ve bribed with “tv time” or other goodies because you “just can’t even”.

If you’re like me, you’ve cried because you’ve done all the above and that’s not the mom you want to be.

Maybe you’re not like me. Please keep on keeping on. The thing is…I don’t think I am the only one. Unfortunately, there is so much pressure on us as moms. There’s a “new” parenting approach every where we look (I’m looking at you, TikTok). It’s good to widen our knowledge about this topic, but please make sure you’re not setting unrealistic expectations for yourself. The thing is…no matter how regulated or self-aware you are trying to be, you will fail at some point. You will make mistakes. You will go through seasons where it is just harder. And it won’t be the same season as your neighbor. You will look at them and covet their seemingly beautiful and peaceful approach to parenting and look at yourself with shame and disappointment. But dear sister, you are not alone… You will never be perfect. You would never expect your mom friend to not lose her fill-in-the-blank at times. So why do you expect “perfect” from yourself? Because you know your thoughts? Because you know you are trying to do better? Because you said today would be a good day when you woke up? Just like it’s next to impossible to shame yourself into your pre-baby jeans, it’s next to impossible to shame yourself into patient parenting, gentle parenting, respectful parenting, evolving parenting, whatever type of parenting you are working towards. So, my mama friend, let yourself cry since it was a hard day, but remember perfection isn’t the goal. We can only try and try.

If this resonates with you, and you’re feeling overwhelmed, know that support is available. Hopeful Beginnings is here to help. Whether you’re struggling with the pressures of parenting or just need someone to talk to, reach out to one of our compassionate adoption counselors. We’re here to answer your questions and provide guidance. Call us today and take the first step toward finding the support you need.

By: Olivia Espinosa

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