
Maternal Mental Health

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Maternal Mental Health

In honor of Maternal Mental Health Month, take a moment to check in with yourself. Panic attacks consisting of breathlessness and rush of fear are not the only signs that signal we need to pay attention to our mental health. Try asking yourself the following questions:

  • Have I been feeling like I’m dragging through the day despite sleeping thru the night?
  • Have I noticed myself going from 0 to 100 with my irritability and impatience?
  • Have I blamed myself for pretty much anything “going wrong” in the day?
  • Have I felt tension in my neck and shoulders or had lack of appetite or engaged in binging?
  • Have I observed myself shutting down and isolating? Or “starting fights” with loved ones?
  • Have I been trying to plan for worst case scenarios and then unraveling when plans don’t go “according to plan”?

These questions are not enough for a diagnosis, but rather a good conversation starter (for yourself or with loved ones) to determine whether a counseling space would be helpful.

by: Oliva Espinosa

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