
End of Summer – Back to School

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End of Summer – Back to School

The time has come for us to trade our pool gear for school gear. Whether you’re prepping your little one for year one of preschool or an older child for their last year of grade school, we all feel the shift in energy. There’s anticipation that is usually accompanied by anxieties. As mommas, we want to make sure we have all our ducks in a row, school supplies checklist complete, and everyone prepared for the new routine. Unfortunately, there’s no magic formula with how to transition your children back to a school nighttime schedule. Throughout this transition, all we can do is give ourselves grace.

As a therapist, I hear mommas constantly chastise themselves for forgetting wipes, or signing up to help in their child’s classroom. We’re so hard on ourselves as we hold to an impossible standard of perfection. My greatest advice is to accept that there will be mistakes, there will be mishaps. This is the first time you have ever had a child named (insert your child’s name here) going into this particular grade. Whether it’s your 2nd born or your 4th year at this school, you’ve never experienced this particular school year with this particular child. The best we can do is remain flexible and humble.

I say this, not to add more pressure, but remember the little eyes that watch us as we prepare for this season. If you’re feeling stressed as you pack a backpack or talk through a bus route with your new 1st grader, acknowledge how you’re feeling (anxious, excited, nervous, tingly, out of breath, etc.) aloud and talk through what you’re going to do to regulate your emotions. Your little ones will see that not everybody (yes, even moms) has everything together and there are ways to manage the jitters.

Just as you recognize your children need a moment to adjust, give yourself the same permission. We’ll be cruising before we know it!

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