
Anxiety During and After Pregnancy

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Anxiety During and After Pregnancy

We all experience some type of anxiety in our everyday life. We can feel anxious about making difficult decisions, doing a presentation, or dealing with financial issues. Anxiety is a feeling of worry or uneasiness due to stressful situations. Many women can experience anxiety during and after pregnancy. It’s completely normal to feel anxious because having a child is life-changing. New mothers might worry if they are taking care of the baby correctly or what to do if the baby gets sick. Every mother only wants to protect their child from any type of danger.

According to Postpartum Support International (PSI), “Approximately 6% of pregnant women and 10% of postpartum women develop anxiety.” Women can develop anxiety at any time of their pregnancy. They can be anxious at the beginning when they get the news that they are pregnant. They can continue to be anxious for a variety of reasons. The reasons could be positive or negative. Once they give birth, the anxiety might still be there. They have to provide for a baby and adjust to being a mother. Being a mother is hard because there are so many responsibilities that need to be taken care of. There is always something that requires a mother’s attention. This leads to constantly worrying.

Anxiety can affect how mothers treat themselves and their babies on a daily basis. Some of the symptoms for perinatal and postpartum anxiety are:

  • Excessive worrying
  • Racing thoughts
  • Changes in appetite and sleep patterns
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Nausea and dizziness
  • Feeling like a failure as a parent

Some risk factors that might make someone more prone to anxiety are:

  • Family history
  • History of anxiety before pregnancy
  • No support from loved ones
  • Issues with your significant other
  • Had a hard pregnancy or birth experience

Some things that people can do to manage anxiety are:

  • Seek counseling
  • Have a good balanced meal and daily exercise
  • Practice meditation
  • Have good communication with supportive individuals
  • Have a sleep schedule
  • Do things that you enjoy

It’s okay if you might have anxiety. There’s other women who feel the same way that you are feeling. You might feel confused and not know in what direction to go. However, you are not alone. If you can distinguish your symptoms, you can try a variety of different methods to help you manage your anxiety. Knowing how to manage your anxiety can give you a sense of control. Also, you can distinguish what causes your anxiety and how to replace it with something positive. Learning different ways to deal with anxiety can be beneficial not only for you but for your child and those around you.

At Hopeful Beginnings, we work with women who have anxiety during and after pregnancy. If you believe that you might have anxiety, you can reach out to one of our social workers for free counseling and support. We are here to help you with anything that you might need. We believe that every woman and child should be treated with respect and equality.

Postpartum and Antepartum Anxiety: Postpartum Support – PSI: Postpartum Support International (PSI). (n.d.). Retrieved September 21, 2020, from https://www.postpartum.net/learn-more/anxiety-during-pregnancy-postpartum/

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