
Am I Pregnant?

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Am I Pregnant?

Missing one or more menstrual periods is a classic sign of pregnancy. But this can be tricky for women, whose periods aren’t yet regular. It can also be tricky for girls whose cycles are off as a result of excessive dieting or exercise, low body fat from sports, or hormonal disorders like PCOS.

We know us girls can be anxious and nervous with the feeling of “unknown”… read below the common symptoms of pregnancy.

Common Pregnancy Symptoms:

  • Morning Sickness. Waking up feeling nauseous or not wanting to eat. Are you feeling nauseous or vomiting throughout the day? This can be a common sign of pregnancy.
  • Fatigue. Unusual fatigue. Maybe it is becoming difficult to follow your normal routine. Feeling sleepy in the morning can be normal. But, if you are feeling tired more than normal that can be a sign you are pregnant. Why? If you are growing a baby this can be tiring for your body since there are hormonal changes taking place.
  • Unusual mood swings. Feeling happy, sad, or angry all at one time? You are not “crazy.” Mood swings can be caused by physical stresses, fatigue, changes in your metabolism, or by the hormones. If you are experiencing unusual mood swings (slightly different than PMS), this can be another symptom.
  • Cravings. Maybe you have been reaching for an extra donut, craving pizza every night or sweets more than usual. I call these cravings. Again, this can be similar to PMS. But a symptom of pregnancy is a sudden, intense aversion to certain foods, like meats or fatty, fried foods, salty, sweet, or sour cravings. If you feel like your cravings have fallen into these categories, that is a common pregnancy symptom.
  • Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). condition that affects a woman’s emotions, physical health, & behavior during certain days of the menstrual cycle or right before,
  • Sore Breasts. Sore breasts can be a pain. You can be feeling soreness in one or both breasts. The soreness can come & go or be constant.

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