
A New Mom’s Counseling Success Story

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A New Mom’s Counseling Success Story

Not every story at Hopeful Beginnings ends on a joyous note but when they do, we celebrate those moments with our clients. Here is one of the incredible stories that we were so grateful to be a part of:

Aubrey came to Hopeful Beginnings seeking counseling for postpartum depression that had become consuming. Aubrey, and her daughter Maris, had an unconventional first meeting as mother and daughter: It happened during the early hours of the morning when Aubrey felt some of the most excruciating pain of her life, unaware what she was experiencing was childbirth. This was despite many precautions and multiple pregnancy tests she had taken during the preceding months. Aubrey was completely unaware of her pregnancy. This surprise birth was followed by a grueling 108 days in the NICU for Maris. Aubrey had gone from being a single young woman to a mother in a matter of hours. As if this transition was not difficult enough, she became a mother that was then tasked with learning to advocate for her newly born daughter through a maze of doctors and medical procedures.

By the time Aubrey began services with Hopeful Beginnings, Maris had been home for a couple months and the two of them were trying to figure out any semblance of normalcy and routine. Aubrey tried her best to cope with her new role but she knew that she could no longer handle the deep depression and anxiety inside of her. Aubrey connected with a social worker who was able to assist Aubrey in processing the trauma of her daughter’s birth and reevaluate what being a mother meant to Aubrey. Through months of hard work, Aubrey was able to lift herself out of her postpartum depression and form an impenetrable bond with Maris. The two are now an inseparable duo tackling problems and obstacles as they come.

In September, Maris celebrated her second birthday in addition to graduating from baby swim class. With the support of her mother, she has blown past her baby milestones and is treasured by all who surround her. Aubrey is continuing to work on her mental health and building a bright future for herself and her daughter.

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