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Should you Trust a Babysitter to Watch your Child?
30 Oct
Should you Trust a Babysitter to Watch your Child?

Parents might be occupied with different responsibilities throughout the week. They might rely on family members and friends to watch their kids while they are occupied. Some parents might seek a babysitter to…

When to Take your Child to the Emergency Room
26 Oct
When to Take your Child to the Emergency Room

There will be times where your child might not feel well. You might start to panic because you do not know what to do. You only know that your child is not okay…

Ways to Deal with Anxiety During Pregnancy
23 Oct
Ways to Deal with Anxiety During Pregnancy

Ways to deal with Anxiety During Pregnancy When women are pregnant, they go through a lot of changes. These changes can be physically and mentally. These changes can be challenging for women. Often…

Telehealth Counseling
15 Oct
Telehealth Counseling

What is all this hype about Telehealth? Well, Telehealth is a way to communicate effectively with both the sender and receiver being able to hear a voice, see a facial expression, and note…

Benefits of an Open Adoption
12 Oct
Benefits of an Open Adoption

When I think about our open adoption through Hopeful Beginnings today as we have navigated through these days of COVID uncertainty, one idea is 100% certain. We have the BEST open adoption for…

Flu Shot Facts
27 Sep
Flu Shot Facts

Every once in awhile, people get sick. We tend to see people sick around the time that the weather begins to change. Since people get the flu, the flu researchers developed a flu…

Adoption Options
14 Sep
Adoption Options

Child Welfare defines adoptions as the social, emotional, and legal process in which children who will not be raised by their birth parents become full and permanent legal members of another family while…

Strategies for Parents with Young Children this School Year
19 Aug
Strategies for Parents with Young Children this School Year

The American Academy of Pediatrics has some tips on parenting in a pandemic. Find this information and more at HealthyChildren.org: Address children’s fear as they rely on their parents for safety, both physically…

Open Adoption
30 Jul
Open Adoption

Open adoption is a term that newer to the general public, but is encouraged and celebrated at Hopeful Beginnings. In an open adoption, a birth family and adoptive family have communication and a…

Adoption Myths and Misconceptions
02 Jul
Adoption Myths and Misconceptions

Adoption. The word “adoption” can be associated with many different emotions as well as stereotypes and sometimes even horror stories. These inaccurate speculations cause many families to stray away from growing their family…

Adoption Means to Me…….
28 Jun
Adoption Means to Me…….

My previous ideas about adoption were very different from what I know now. My nephews were adopted from Romania. Of course, our family all knew they were adopted. My niece, now an adult,…

3 Components to a Healthy Relationship
19 Jun
3 Components to a Healthy Relationship

Communication Communication is key. Keeping open & healthy communication helps a relationship flow. You should be able to express yourself when you are happy, sad, or mad. If there are things you don’t…

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