
Post-Adoption Services

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Information for Adoptees

At Hopeful Beginnings, we understand that adoption is a lifelong experience for all members of the adoption triad: birth family, adoptee, and adoptive family. Illinois law requires that identifying information in an adoption must remain confidential.

Non-Identifying Information

Non-identifying information, such as medical and social details, is available to any adopted person (21 years of age or older), adoptive parents, and any adoptee older than 18, with written consent of the adoptive parents. More specifically, medical information includes genetic conditions, including diseases within the birth family, key details of the pregnancy, labor and delivery, and subsequent medical details of which Hopeful Beginnings is aware. Social information includes age, ethnicity, marital status, education, occupation, and circumstances surrounding the adoption. Hopeful Beginnings is happy to provide this information, if disclosed to us, to you according to Illinois law.

Since adoption regulations and accessibility of information have changed throughout the years, if you would like to talk in more detail with a Hopeful Beginnings counselor, call us today.

Reach Out to Us

Contact Hopeful Beginnings regarding our services or any general questions you have. One of our counselors will be in touch with you shortly. You may also call us or email information@hopefulbeginning.org for additional information.

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